An hour ago as I type, I wrapped up my first math event. About 20 kids showed up, which was equally invigorating and terrifying. In the end, it was everything I had hoped it would be. I can't wait to do it again.
I mean, just look at what the kids did today!
Mirror Drawing - A month or so ago, my son grabbed two pieces of chalk and started moving his hands symmetrically, making designs on the driveway. Here's a video of me filming his invention while pretending to check something on my phone (he's shy).
This moment was the inspiration for the entire event today. And these kids took the idea and ran with it! Check out Allie, who wrote her name backwards and forwards, as well as the two kids with very different interpretations of my suggestion to "draw a person."
Hinged Mirrors - I gave kids some hinged mirrors and a white sheet of paper with a black line on it. Kids started just playing with that, but it wasn't long before their own markers got into the game. And when I brought out the jelly beans, kids made some mixed media masterpieces! Check out the two girls who drew a symmetrical person on the line of symmetry and then added the hinged mirrors. Also, look at that last circle of jelly beans. There are only two actual jelly beans in that picture, believe it or not.
This was the best part of my year.
Tomorrow, I'll share the email I'm writing to all the parents who attended today's event.